Thursday, November 8, 2007

BC Care Providers Association advice on elder care

MtPleaseAunt asked the Director of PR and Member Services about the question of how rules care facility rules had "changed to make it more difficult to admit patients" (as mentioned in the previous post). She had this response:

First and foremost, let me say, "Wow!" How does such misinformation find [its] way around this town?

Your neighbour should contact the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority's Home and Community Care division to arrange for a Needs Assessment. Here is the website with all contact info -

This assessment will be done by a health care professional who will visit your neighbour's mom at home and basically determine what sort of shape she is in and what type of supports she needs. The nurse may find that a home care support worker could be the best help for her needs, or the nurse may recommend she be placed into a care home or perhaps a day program of some sort. There are various options outlined at the link above.

The other possibility is for your neighbour to pursue private pay services if she can afford that sort of thing. Again, an assessment is probably a good idea and then the nurse who conducts the assessment can outline all available options. [...]

Kate Hildebrandt
Director of Public Relations + Member Services
BC Care Providers Association
#301 - 1338 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V6H 1H2


  1. This group represents the for-profit seniors care industry. It would be a good idea to balance this with comments from the BC Health Coalition and their Long Term Care and Home Care

  2. Hello Anonymous -
    Your comment is partially correct: the BC Care Providers Association does represent some care providers who are privately owned. The association also represents non-profit societies who operate seniors' care facilities and home care services. The association represents care providers, in general, as is their mandate. It's also important to point out that privately-owned care facilities are funded by their regional health authority and governed under the same auspices as publicly-funded or society-run facilities. And, for the record, David Hurford is the current Director of PR for the association and can be reached at the same phone number.
